Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Curtis Leaves the Show

Well, Tracey had a good run. She was a much better player than I thought she would be. But she just had some bad luck (the Joel blindside, the switched tribes, Chet leaving the game). Sorry, Curtis. Thanks for joining us. I feel bad that you lost Tracey right after your long comment about how pleased you were with her. Bummer.
Oh, and we also lost my sister Ami for the second time. She picked up Kathleen after Mary got voted off. I felt a little bad for Kathy, but not too bad. It always kind of irks me when someone can't handle it mentally. A month is a long time to be away from family, but it is very doable. Well, anyway, she's home now and happy.
So, no video at all of Jason and Tracey on Exile Island. I guess it just loses its interest when both the real and the fake Immunity Idol are found.
So, not much action as far as the switching of power positions.

And now for a new section called. . .

How About
How about the not-so-bright Jason helping bring Airai back from a big deficit in the puzzle challenge.
How about Erik as Ozzy's protege.
How about Amy's super-complicated master plan to get Ozzy off, but it didn't work.
How about my girl Cirie being able to sniff out anything weird going on when Tribal Council is approaching.
How about my girl Cirie having the best line of the episode: "When Erik speaks Ozzy's name, star dust comes out of his mouth." And also, speaking of Erik, "If Ozzy proposed marriage. . .done deal!"

Top 5 people most likely to be voted of next:
5. James. If his tribe finally loses and if the girls all turn on him to get him off before the merge. Not likely, but possible.
4. Jason. Same scenario as James.
3. Ozzy. Not likely, but possible. They keep making it look like he's going to go.
2. Amy. Malakal will probably lose again, and they may want to keep Erik around.
1. Erik. Last remaining fan on Malakal. Also, it looks like he gets hurt this next episode. That could cost him.

I thought Tracey would be the first member of the jury. She was voted off in 12th place. Lately when they have started with 20 players, they have started the jury at 12th place. I guess they are probably starting at 10th place, like last season. Either way, we are getting close to the jury being in. Congrats to the top 11:
Karina Franklin
Dan Franklin
Angela Stump
Dan Stump
Megan Wood
Eric Wood
Daren Blomquist
Andrea Moffat
Kelly McAllister
Mirranda Meacham
Alison Gentry

P.S. My conspiracy theory on Alexis is still alive. Again, she was interviewed this episode. They always seem to work her in.


Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

I have to say I thought Kathy had a good line, am surprised you did not mention it. "I tried to send vibes to my daughter...and I just cannot FEEL her". WHAT?

Ah well, she is gone, but hey she wasn't picked BUT she lasted longer than 6 other peeps...pretty cool for a crazy lady.

Mirranda said...

Kathy's other good line was: "When I woke up this morning, I hadn't slept at all!".

I'm sad we lost Tracey; she played well and I would have liked to see her go farther. Though I need Ozzy in the game a bit longer for Jason's sake.

On that, Yay for naive Jason being good at puzzles!

Megan said...

My favorite Kathy line was, "I would never choose to put myself through this...twice."

Erik is in trouble. I hope Ozzy keeps him around despite what looks like a very painful injury! But more than that I hope they WIN an immunity challenge. Enough with challenges that end with a puzzle to solve. Obviously one team is better at puzzles than the other.

Curtis and Jane said...

GAAHHH!! I thought for sure there was no way Malakal would lose another immunity challenge in a row. Lame... and I really thought they might vote Ozzy out.

Dave Mac said...

I am totally miffed cuz I didn't know that Survivor was on last night (Wed)... ARRRRGGGHHH!!! Stupid NCAA Tourney!

Greg and Andrea said...
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Greg and Andrea said...

I haven't been as big of a fan of Cirie this season as I was in the previous, but last night she was back in rare form. It was nice to see the Cirie of old again, the laughing, witty, make-fun-of-people-and-call-it-like-it-is Cirie. Let's see more of that.

As for my Amanda, she's thinking. Kind of worried me with her Ozzy thing at the beginning. We'll see...

ruthie said...

So I am so baffled by the fact that all those girls were setting that big sneaky vote in place. You vote for so and so and I will vote for this person and we will make Ozzy think this and that.... and then THEY ALL VOTE FOR STACY!! What is that all about?
I must say that I laughed out loud at Kathys comments and then when Jeff came it was like she had to work her emotions up again, I wonder if by then she really wanted to leave?
Ok, again, must we remind you people you signed up for Survivor, what were you expecting?