Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dan Stump Heads up the Jury

Well, Eliza is out. It was fun to watch. Her conversation with Jason was classic. It shows just how amazing it was that Jason believed that he had the hidden immunity idol. Eliza didn't believe it for even a second. For a player as physically gifted as Jason is. . .wow, he is spacey. Funny stuff.
So, we are now in jury phase. Congrats to Dan for making the jury, especially when your pick was so late.
In fact, a recap of who is still left:
Pick #1: Andrea Moffat (Amanda)
Pick #2: Alison Gentry (Alexis)
Pick #4: Angela Stump (Ozzy)
Pick #5: Megan Wood (Erik)
Pick #6: Mirranda Meacham (Jason)
Pick #10: Dan Franklin (Cirie)
Pick #13: Kelly McAllister (James)
Pick #16: Eric Wood (Natalie)
Pick #18: Daren Blomquist (Parvati)
As you can see, we have a chunk of early picks, but also several late ones.

So, Jason's immunity victory was pretty impressive. In fact, I was WAY impressed with Jason, Ozzy, and James, and how long they stayed in it. Ozzy looked outright ticked when he didn't win. Jason not only beat Ozzy in a challenge, but he beat him in a challenge that seemed to be tailor-made for Ozzy.
Jason's victory allowed for the great fake idol moment. I loved that Eliza totally outed Ozzy right there. Nice job. Way to go out shooting.
Alexis had a busy episode. Lots of interviews, flirting with Ozzy, and, my favorite, referring to Eliza by saying, "She played well." I loved that Jeff called her on it. And then Alexis just said, "Oh. Sorry." That was really funny to me.
Amanda does not like Alexis. Now, is Amanda more upset that Alexis is hording in on her alliance or on her man? This could make it so much easier for Amanda to betray Ozzy.

I still think that Natalie and Parvati have no chance of winning it all (apologies to Daren and E-Wood). I see everyone as having a chance.
Jason may be able to dominate immunities that same way Ozzy did, if Ozzy ends up getting voted out.
James and Ozzy will have a conversation about playing hidden immunity idols.

Who's Out Next: 5 Most Likely
Since there are only 9 left, the top five becomes more and more of a possibility.
5. Parvati. I don't think this will happen, but Amanda is mad at her, and could end up ousting her. Almost zero chance, though.
4. Alexis. Still in a little danger, but Jason is now a bigger target.
3. Cirie. She is scheming again (more on this below). This could bite her if she is found out, or if Ozzy plays the idol and turns it on her.
2. Ozzy. Cirie may be looking to nail him. Bad episode for him this time. He lost an immunity challenge that was right up his ally. He flirted with Alexis and now Amanda is a woman scorned. Then he was outed for having the idol. Who knows?
1. Jason. Maybe he will be preserved, but he has one immunity victory, and no alliance.

See you all next week.

By the way, with the jury starting at 10th place, we are clearly in for another Final Three, as opposed to a Final Two.


Mirranda said...

Oh, poor Jason... my only consolation is that he didn't play it himself. And I commend his generosity for giving it to Eliza.

And Ozzy = jerk. I am so happy he lost that challenge and hope he continues to do so. Vote him out!

Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

I agree that it was very kind-hearted of Jason to offer the stick to Eliza...and he was so casual about it...don't worry Babe, I'll find the stick that I hid under a rock in the jungle...his precious stick. and the conversation was awesome...

Megan said...

Ozzy was doing so well in this game, maintaining control without being controlling etc, and now he is being so weird.

And I loved it when Erik made up the tribe name and everybody believed that he knew what it meant. Since he's my player I tend to be on his side more than others might be, but you have to admit he's had some good moments already this season.

I'm excited for this next episode. I like the post-merge episodes when things really start to shake up, and when people talk too much and stick their foot/feet in their mouth(s) over and over. Anybody remember the year they brought the tribes together and everybody THOUGHT it was the merge and started to make new alliances and burn bridges, but it WASN'T actually the merge!! That was a great survivor moment for me.