Friday, April 4, 2008

Karina Goes Home on Her Birthday

Well, today is Karina's 29th birthday and she celebrates with her Ami getting voted off. I don't know if I am alone in this, but I saw this coming from the firs scene of the episode. It seemed pretty clear that it was going to go down how it did. It was still fun to watch.

Glad we're getting to the merge. I am tired of watching Malakal lose.

Favorite parts of this past episode.
5. Ami, even after being voted off, seeming to still be under the impression that she was trustworthy.
4. Jason not being sent to exile. The challenge was about balance. It is SOOOOO obvious that he should have been sent away. Alexis? Huh? And what does Jason do? He wins the challenge. Congrats, Mirranda.
3. James opening beer bottles with his teeth. That was great.
2. Ozzy finding out that his fake idol had been taken.
And number one by far. . .
1. Psycho Ami thanking Jason while holding a machete over her shoulder. Anyone else have flashes of horror movies while watching this scene. Wow, she was scary. I think Wes Craven needs to give her a call now that she is off the show. That scene was an absolute classic to me. No joke, one of my top 5 Survivor moments ever! Hysterical.

Merge Coming!!!
Congrats to the top 10, who, according to the preview for next week's episode, have made the merge. We have 6 Favs and 4 Fans. 6 Gals and 4 Guys. More importantly, we have. . .
3 First-timers:
1. Alison has made it with her Alexis. And from the preview it looks like Alexis might be targeted. Did I say she would win? I meant she would finish 10th. Oops.
2. Mirrands has made it with her Jason. Great in challenges, not too bright. More on this later.
3. Kelly has made it with her James. It will be interesting to see what happens with him. Will he become a target? Will he win any immunities?
2 Other First-time Merge Makers:
4. Megan missed the merge last season with Aaron, but she fights her way in this time with Erik. he pulled it off. Major props.
5. Daren makes it in with Parvati. Who knows? Maybe this girl will pull a power play.
5 Back-to-Back Merge Makers:
6. E-Wood. Last season he made it with J.R. I predict that you will get closer than 9th place this season with Natalie.
7. Dan Stump. Although I don't know if he qualifies as a merge maker from last season since he had the field. Two of his did not make the merge (wrestler lady and the teacher), but two did (P.G. and Courtney). Either way, congrats on riding Eliza to the merge.
8. Angela Stump. Last season she finished in 8th with Frosti. This time she comes to the merge as the favorite with Ozzy. Will he run the immunity table again? Will others vote him out the first chance they get?
9. Andrea. Both times with Amanda. And Amanda is, once again, in great shape. She is a good player. I think she must be the only player to go so long without ever receiving a vote. She never got one last season, and she still hasn't got one this season.
10. Me, of course. I won last year with Todd, and now I am following Cirie. This is where she has potential to shine. I want to see her shake some things up.

Next Week
I am looking forward to the merge. It seems like things should be five on five. Cirie, Ozzy, Amanda, Parvati, and James Vs. Erik, Natalie, Alexis, Jason, and Eliza. Who knows, though?
Did you all see the preview with Eliza's conversation with Jason?
E: That's not the hidden immunity idol.
J: Yeah it is.
E: No, it's not.
J: Why not?
E: Because it can't be.
J: Why not?
E: Because it's a stick.
Oh, that was classic. Can't wait to watch it in its full context.

Top Five in Danger to be Voted Off Next
5. James. Don't think it will happen, but it could if that girl power thing comes about.
4. Erik. If he turns back to the Fans, Ozzy could get mad and take him out.
3. Cirie. If the fans all choose someone to vote for, it could end up being her. Easy target.
2. Jason. He is the most skilled immunity guy on the fans.
1. Alexis. Looks like Amanda is jealous. We will see.


Megan said...

I thought for sure I (Erik) was toast this week. I was so happy at tribal and loved the drama, but sorry Karina that you were voted off on your birthday. (Happy b-daya by the way!) Here's to one more week...

Mirranda said...

Jason and I thank you. That was a great challenge to watch.

I really thought they'd vote off Erik, right to the end. Congratulations to him.

Can't wait for the excitement of next week's merge and the embarrassment of watching Jason argue with Eliza about his idol-stick.

ang said...

First of all, I love that the time you posted says 12:09am. You're hard core, and I appreciate it. Second of all, I think Ami's sincerity as she thanked Erik for betraying her was heartwarming--oh wait, disturbing, I concur. Third of all...Ozzie rules. I just hope that doesn't jinx me, but HE RULES.

Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

does anyone else want to either cut amanda's bangs, or just pull them out long...ugh...they are really bugging me.

thought the ami-erik thing was a little odd...she had her chance a while ago and should have taken other fav part was when amanda and cirie were like "we want you!" i can't believe she fell for it...that was lame.

oh, and what about memphis???