Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mirranda's Lovable Dopey Goes Home

Well, you can't say that this hasn't been a fun season to watch. Two weeks in a row a player who has a hidden immunity idol is blindsided. Classic. I think all of us enjoyed that. All of us except for Mirranda Meacham, who finishes in 8th place on her first go-round in Survivor Pick 'em.
Jason has to be the most clueless contestant of all time. Poor guy. Just got abused by Natalie in that episode. He finds the REAL idol, but chooses not to play it. I think my favorite part was the reaction by James.

Interesting Happenings
1. So, anonymous Natalie had a coming out party. It turns out that she really likes the B word. She likes to apply it to herself and to guys. She also likes to use over-the-top analogies, such as, "I'm going to floss with his jugular." Hmmm. I think she just spent so much time doing absolutely nothing that she had to break out and go all the way with this play. Now, it was a good play for the team, but maybe a costly play for her. If she is one of the final three, and they are all girls, who is Jason going to hold responsible for his blindside? Clearly Natalie will not get that vote.
2. James is injured. We'll see what happens with that. More importantly, he has retained his Garden of Eden terminology. Calling Parvati an Apple Chewer was great stuff. Constantly talking about how they could all be naked and happy, but Parvati had to eat the apple.
3. I also love that all the fall-out of the Ozzy blindside is falling on Parvati. Cirie has options.
4. The two players who I have consistently said cannot win (Natalie and Parvati) are in good positions. I can't imagine that at least one of them will not be in the Final 3. Hmmm. I guess we'll see just how much I know. And Alexis was barely in that episode. Hmmm. Getting interesting.
5. I have to mention to opening recap when Probst said that Parvati blindsided Ozzy by recruiting Natalie, Alexis, and Cirie. Then they showed a scene of Parvati talking about her decision to turn on Ozzy. That scene, however, was after the conversation with the girls. And it was Cirie who initiated that conversation. Parvati still hadn't made up her mind until later on whether or not she would be in on it. I know I am biased, but those are the facts. I think they just emphasized Parv's role in it so that everyone would know why Amanda and James were so upset with her.

1. To the Final 7. Eric, Megan, Kelly, Daren, and Alison are first timers to get this far in the game. Andrea and I return for the second time.
2. Once again, congrats to the Wood family. Erik won immunity in a nail-biter with James. Natalie is still in, and seems to be in a good position.

I want to see at least one more major shift. I am not against it being an all-female final 5, but I want to see one more twist happen.

With 7 contestants left, I will go ahead and name who I see as the three most likely to be voted out.
3. Parvati. She could be in trouble and the Favs could turn on her. Real possibility. James, Erik, Amanda, and Cirie could get her out.
2. Erik. I think he is a bigger immunity threat than James, but we'll see.
1. James. Nothing that anyone else can't see. He seems to be the next natural one to go.

I have to say that I can also see a scenario in which Natalie or Alexis could go next week. Cirie could make a move on them, not wanting to go up against Fans in the finals.

The only two that I think are safe for sure next week are Cirie and Amanda. That certainly could change.

Does it make me a nerd to mention this?
Amanda has now played almost two full seasons of Survivor and she has never received a vote. Wow.

See you next week.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ang Suffers the Greatest Blindside Ever

Well, Ang Stump is the victim of, in my opinion, the greatest tribal council in the history of Survivor. Ozzy is voted off in 9th place, becoming the second member of the jury, and leaving with a hidden immunity idol in his possession.
So, I gotta say. . .

You know it's coming. . .

My girl rocks! Engineering the greatest surprise in Survivor history, I think Cirie may have just become the greatest schemer of all time. That was great. Karina and I were yelling as they read the votes. Dave McAllister called me right after it happened and said that he and Kelly were doing the same. Amazing.

So, sorry Ang. Dan and Ang, husband and wife, voted out back to back, and becoming the first two members of the jury.

Memorable parts of the episode:
Jason being mocked as making the dumbest move in Survivor history, and then Ozzy admitting that he made an incredibly dumb move.
Jason making that really, really dumb move.
The looks on the faces of Amanda, James, Erik, and especially Eliza when the vote went down. Priceless.
Alexis being super pissed when she went out of the challenge, but still did not get any food.
My girl Cirie rocking the house. Gotta love her.

Some congratulations:
1. To Mirranda for staying in when her Jason was the primary target on back to back weeks. Nice job.
2. To Eric and Megan Wood for being the last couple standing with Natalie and Erik.
3. To Daren Blomquist for making the final 8 when he picked Parvati dead last.

Now that we are down to only 8 people left, I will give the four safest, and the four most vulnerable:
4 Safest:
4. Alison. Alexis is probably okay, unless Amanda makes them vote her out as a good faith move.
3. Andrea. Amanda seems safe, even though she was blindsided.
2. Me. I hope. Cirie has an amazing ability to orchestrate amazing plays and then fade right back in.
1. E-Wood. Natalie is off the radar.
Most Vulnerable:
4. Daren. Parvati has the numbers, but she is seen as the biggest traitor. Could turn on her somehow.
3. Megan. Erik is certainly in danger, but not as much as numbers 1 and 2.
2. Mirranda. Even though Jason was on the right side on that twist, he is still the biggest immunity threat.
1. Kelly. James is the big bad stud, and has a target on him with Ozzy gone.

I actually think Erik and Jason are much bigger immunity threats than James is. He is great in the team challenges, but has yet to show himself great in the individual ones.

I still think Natalie and Parvati are the only two remaining players with no chance of winning. Natalie has done nothing impressive, and Parvati is not very liked. I will not put him on the list, but honorable mention goes out to Jason. He is not liked at all. I think his chances of winning are EXTREMELY slim. But if he makes it to the end (by rattling off immunities) he may win the default vote.

Great stuff. Woooooo!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Check it Out

Special thanks to Ruth King for identifying a fun Survivor site:

On this site, two guys from Entertainment Weekly interview the latest cast-off, and they also sometimes do a quick parody of something that happened during the previous episode. Each interview is only 6-8 minutes, so you can check it out quick.

Suggested highlights:
The interview with Jonathan and Chet. Watch for Jonathan's physical reaction when he is called a crybaby (his hand in particular), and his head when Chet is explaining his injury.
The bit about Erik and Ozzy on the interview with Tracy.

Anyway, fun stuff.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dan Stump Heads up the Jury

Well, Eliza is out. It was fun to watch. Her conversation with Jason was classic. It shows just how amazing it was that Jason believed that he had the hidden immunity idol. Eliza didn't believe it for even a second. For a player as physically gifted as Jason is. . .wow, he is spacey. Funny stuff.
So, we are now in jury phase. Congrats to Dan for making the jury, especially when your pick was so late.
In fact, a recap of who is still left:
Pick #1: Andrea Moffat (Amanda)
Pick #2: Alison Gentry (Alexis)
Pick #4: Angela Stump (Ozzy)
Pick #5: Megan Wood (Erik)
Pick #6: Mirranda Meacham (Jason)
Pick #10: Dan Franklin (Cirie)
Pick #13: Kelly McAllister (James)
Pick #16: Eric Wood (Natalie)
Pick #18: Daren Blomquist (Parvati)
As you can see, we have a chunk of early picks, but also several late ones.

So, Jason's immunity victory was pretty impressive. In fact, I was WAY impressed with Jason, Ozzy, and James, and how long they stayed in it. Ozzy looked outright ticked when he didn't win. Jason not only beat Ozzy in a challenge, but he beat him in a challenge that seemed to be tailor-made for Ozzy.
Jason's victory allowed for the great fake idol moment. I loved that Eliza totally outed Ozzy right there. Nice job. Way to go out shooting.
Alexis had a busy episode. Lots of interviews, flirting with Ozzy, and, my favorite, referring to Eliza by saying, "She played well." I loved that Jeff called her on it. And then Alexis just said, "Oh. Sorry." That was really funny to me.
Amanda does not like Alexis. Now, is Amanda more upset that Alexis is hording in on her alliance or on her man? This could make it so much easier for Amanda to betray Ozzy.

I still think that Natalie and Parvati have no chance of winning it all (apologies to Daren and E-Wood). I see everyone as having a chance.
Jason may be able to dominate immunities that same way Ozzy did, if Ozzy ends up getting voted out.
James and Ozzy will have a conversation about playing hidden immunity idols.

Who's Out Next: 5 Most Likely
Since there are only 9 left, the top five becomes more and more of a possibility.
5. Parvati. I don't think this will happen, but Amanda is mad at her, and could end up ousting her. Almost zero chance, though.
4. Alexis. Still in a little danger, but Jason is now a bigger target.
3. Cirie. She is scheming again (more on this below). This could bite her if she is found out, or if Ozzy plays the idol and turns it on her.
2. Ozzy. Cirie may be looking to nail him. Bad episode for him this time. He lost an immunity challenge that was right up his ally. He flirted with Alexis and now Amanda is a woman scorned. Then he was outed for having the idol. Who knows?
1. Jason. Maybe he will be preserved, but he has one immunity victory, and no alliance.

See you all next week.

By the way, with the jury starting at 10th place, we are clearly in for another Final Three, as opposed to a Final Two.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Karina Goes Home on Her Birthday

Well, today is Karina's 29th birthday and she celebrates with her Ami getting voted off. I don't know if I am alone in this, but I saw this coming from the firs scene of the episode. It seemed pretty clear that it was going to go down how it did. It was still fun to watch.

Glad we're getting to the merge. I am tired of watching Malakal lose.

Favorite parts of this past episode.
5. Ami, even after being voted off, seeming to still be under the impression that she was trustworthy.
4. Jason not being sent to exile. The challenge was about balance. It is SOOOOO obvious that he should have been sent away. Alexis? Huh? And what does Jason do? He wins the challenge. Congrats, Mirranda.
3. James opening beer bottles with his teeth. That was great.
2. Ozzy finding out that his fake idol had been taken.
And number one by far. . .
1. Psycho Ami thanking Jason while holding a machete over her shoulder. Anyone else have flashes of horror movies while watching this scene. Wow, she was scary. I think Wes Craven needs to give her a call now that she is off the show. That scene was an absolute classic to me. No joke, one of my top 5 Survivor moments ever! Hysterical.

Merge Coming!!!
Congrats to the top 10, who, according to the preview for next week's episode, have made the merge. We have 6 Favs and 4 Fans. 6 Gals and 4 Guys. More importantly, we have. . .
3 First-timers:
1. Alison has made it with her Alexis. And from the preview it looks like Alexis might be targeted. Did I say she would win? I meant she would finish 10th. Oops.
2. Mirrands has made it with her Jason. Great in challenges, not too bright. More on this later.
3. Kelly has made it with her James. It will be interesting to see what happens with him. Will he become a target? Will he win any immunities?
2 Other First-time Merge Makers:
4. Megan missed the merge last season with Aaron, but she fights her way in this time with Erik. he pulled it off. Major props.
5. Daren makes it in with Parvati. Who knows? Maybe this girl will pull a power play.
5 Back-to-Back Merge Makers:
6. E-Wood. Last season he made it with J.R. I predict that you will get closer than 9th place this season with Natalie.
7. Dan Stump. Although I don't know if he qualifies as a merge maker from last season since he had the field. Two of his did not make the merge (wrestler lady and the teacher), but two did (P.G. and Courtney). Either way, congrats on riding Eliza to the merge.
8. Angela Stump. Last season she finished in 8th with Frosti. This time she comes to the merge as the favorite with Ozzy. Will he run the immunity table again? Will others vote him out the first chance they get?
9. Andrea. Both times with Amanda. And Amanda is, once again, in great shape. She is a good player. I think she must be the only player to go so long without ever receiving a vote. She never got one last season, and she still hasn't got one this season.
10. Me, of course. I won last year with Todd, and now I am following Cirie. This is where she has potential to shine. I want to see her shake some things up.

Next Week
I am looking forward to the merge. It seems like things should be five on five. Cirie, Ozzy, Amanda, Parvati, and James Vs. Erik, Natalie, Alexis, Jason, and Eliza. Who knows, though?
Did you all see the preview with Eliza's conversation with Jason?
E: That's not the hidden immunity idol.
J: Yeah it is.
E: No, it's not.
J: Why not?
E: Because it can't be.
J: Why not?
E: Because it's a stick.
Oh, that was classic. Can't wait to watch it in its full context.

Top Five in Danger to be Voted Off Next
5. James. Don't think it will happen, but it could if that girl power thing comes about.
4. Erik. If he turns back to the Fans, Ozzy could get mad and take him out.
3. Cirie. If the fans all choose someone to vote for, it could end up being her. Easy target.
2. Jason. He is the most skilled immunity guy on the fans.
1. Alexis. Looks like Amanda is jealous. We will see.