Monday, March 10, 2008

Late Post

Just a note to you diehards. I will be on Prayer Retreat for my seminary class on (you guessed it) Prayer from Wednesday night until Friday afternoon. So, I will be a little delayed in posting about the episode on Thursday night, because I probably will not watch it until Friday night.
So, Dave, Rich, anyone else, don't do any spoiler text messages. That's just cruel.
My prediction of who could be in trouble this next week:
1. Greg. Chet is always in trouble. He is soooo bad. Sorry.
2. Karina. In the preview for the next episode, it looked like Amy was starting to flip. That could backfire.
3. Curtis. When it looked like Amy was flipping, it looked like she was getting tight with Tracey. That might make Tracey a target.
4. Ami. Kathleen is always vulnerable, just like Chet.
5. Megan. Erik is in trouble after Joel get ousted.
6. Dan Stump. Eliza is weak, so she is always vulnerable.
7. Dave. Unfortuntaly, Jonathan may be faced with a choice between staying on the show or continuing to live. Bad luck.
I think that's it. I would be surprised if anyone outisde of these 7 got voted off next. Could happen, though. Who knows?


Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

Well, since everyone who has been voted out thus far has been a shock, I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone else.

ang said...

I can't believe they took out Cirie! you must be bummin' Franklin.